Welcome from Institute Directors, Andi Sosin & Miriam Pepper-Sanello

We thank the Nassau Reading Council and all our presenters. Thanks to Robin Brandvein for her wonderful photos.
We hope you enjoy reading and invite you to share your thoughts by clicking on the Comment link in any post.
PS: If you find any errors, please let us know immediately so we can correct them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tuesday PM Keynote: Anita Saunders

Keynote: Anita Saunders
Anita E. Saunders has been an educator in the New York City school system for more than 30 years, serving in the capacity of teacher, staff developer, coordinator, grant writer, adjunct professor, national and international presenter, director of funded programs, district director of instruction and professional development, Deputy Superintendent, and now Superintendent, Community School District 26.

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