Welcome from Institute Directors, Andi Sosin & Miriam Pepper-Sanello

We thank the Nassau Reading Council and all our presenters. Thanks to Robin Brandvein for her wonderful photos.
We hope you enjoy reading and invite you to share your thoughts by clicking on the Comment link in any post.
PS: If you find any errors, please let us know immediately so we can correct them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tuesday AM Keynote: Neil Waldman

Keynote: Neil Waldman
Neil Waldman began his publishing career as a designer/illustrator of young adult book jackets, including seven Newbery Medal winners. Recent titles written and/or illustrated by Mr. Waldman include: The Snowflake: A Water Cycle Story, The Promised Land: The Birth of the Jewish People, America the Beautiful, Wounded Knee, They Came from the Bronx: How the Buffalo Were Saved from Extinction, and The Starry Night.

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