Welcome from Institute Directors, Andi Sosin & Miriam Pepper-Sanello

We thank the Nassau Reading Council and all our presenters. Thanks to Robin Brandvein for her wonderful photos.
We hope you enjoy reading and invite you to share your thoughts by clicking on the Comment link in any post.
PS: If you find any errors, please let us know immediately so we can correct them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thursday workshop: Reflective Pathway Listserve Carol Varsalona & JoAnn Scott

Reflective Pathway Listserv/Collegial Circle: A Tool to Transform the Landscape of the Literacy Classroom
Carol Varsalona & JoAnn Scott
In this age of accountability, providing staff with the tools to effect change in teaching and learning is fundamental to the goal of increasing student achievement in literacy. In an interactive workshop, participants will examine a unique form of professional development, the district listserv/collegial circle, which provides a forum for K-8th grade teachers, administrators, and staff developers to reflect and apply their professional learning to classroom instruction. Techniques to encourage, develop, and sustain district wide collaborative and reflective practices that impact teaching and learning are explored. Professional resources include Strategies That Work, Reading with Meaning, Literacy Work Stations and Practice with Purpose, Teaching Reading in Middle School, and Teaching Reading in Social Studies, Science, and Math. (2006 NYS English Council Conference Program of Excellence Award)

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