Welcome from Institute Directors, Andi Sosin & Miriam Pepper-Sanello

We thank the Nassau Reading Council and all our presenters. Thanks to Robin Brandvein for her wonderful photos.
We hope you enjoy reading and invite you to share your thoughts by clicking on the Comment link in any post.
PS: If you find any errors, please let us know immediately so we can correct them.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thursday workshop: Dr. Luda Bryzzheva & Dr. Elsa Bekkala

Childrens’ Literature for Social Justice
Dr. Luda Bryzzheva & Dr. Elsa Bekkala
A picture book authored and illustrated by the presenters will highlight homelessness as an issue of social concern. Presenters engage the audience with issues of social concern and how production of picture books can thoughtfully and responsibly address children’s understanding of those issues. Current and future efforts at advancing the themes of social justice through arts and literature in public schools will be shared. Additionally, a library of children’s books that focus on matters of social significance will be made available.

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